Source map and debugging

  • Hi,

    I write reports in the studio in html so that I can use google chrome dev tools for debugging.

    Recently I have been getting this warning:

    0_1662175372220_Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 1.22.38 pm.png

    It means that when I get an error:

    0_1662175417562_Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 1.23.11 pm.png

    I am not able to locate the code that is causing it:

    0_1662175437737_Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 1.23.19 pm.png

    Do you have any ideas how this happened? It could be a chrome update? I can get around it by using another browser like Safari.

  • administrators

    hi! such warning about the invalid source map was fixed since jsreport 3.7.0, which version do you use? perhaps you just need to update to latest version.

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