Error using jsreport.Binary.OSX on MacOs

  • Hi team,

    i tried using JsReport .Net 8 locally on windows and it's working fine.

    However, on MacOs Intel, I encounter error

    Win32Exception: An error occurred trying to start process '/var/folders/rc/v1rjnzf94zd77_vz3n9bs99r0000gp/T/jsreport/dotnet/binary-default-osx-' with working directory 'Users/Mike/Desktop/backend/services/PdfGenerator/src/PdfGenerator/bin/Debug/net8.0/jsreport'. Bad CPU type in executable


    May i know what's the issue and possible fix?

  • Hi,

    this is likely because the OSX binary we deliver is for arm processors.
    I've added to the back log task to add also x86 binary to the build process so we can ship it also in the .net Nuget packages.


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