C# Local jsreport not working on win server 2012r2

  • Hi all,

    I have an issue when try to run jsreport local on windows server2012r2

    ON dev envirounment everythings work fine with follow config:

    var rs = new LocalReporting()
                    .Configure(cfg => cfg.FileSystemStore())

    When run it on windows server file at path C:\Windows\Temp\jsreport\dotnet\binary-default-\jsreport.exe is 0KB
    Process is created as a child of IIS pool running pool with ApplicationPoolIdentity

    I can not fugure it out why file is empty.

    Could you please advice me how to make it working

  • Hm. It could be blocked by an antivirus.
    However I would first try to remove the folder C:\Windows\Temp\jsreport and restart the application.

  • I figure it out.
    It seem that jsreport.local relly on System.IO.Compression.
    When it is missing it is not added as dependency on nuget package and this cause jsreport.exe to do not be copy. It is copied with size 0KB.
    After adding package System.IO.Compression file was copied.

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