To extend time out during report generation.
I have a rather complicated html code in the view and the report needs a longer time than the default 30 seconds to generate the structure. I'm using JSReport version 2.7.1. Initially, I tried modifying the jsreport.config.json file from "chrome": { "timeout": 180000 } to a very big number but that did not work.
And so ,I have been trying to extend jsreport timeout and here is where I am at.
HttpContext.JsReportFeature() .Recipe(Recipe.ChromePdf) .Configure((r) => r.Template.Chrome = new Chrome { Landscape = true, Format = "Legal", HeaderTemplate = header, FooterTemplate = footer, DisplayHeaderFooter = true, MarginTop = "95px", MarginLeft = "20px", MarginRight = "20px", MarginBottom = "40px" } ) .Configure((r) => r.Options = new jsreport.Types.RenderOptions { Timeout = 600000 });
In the above case the styling works but the timeout is not implemented. However if i reverse the order of the configure and put the timeout first and the styling next, the timeout works but not the styling.
I have also tried the below method and even here it's either a case of report loading without the style or timing out with the error "JsReportBinaryException: Error rendering report: starting rendering process..rendering has finished with errors:A critical error occurred while trying to execute the render command (2). Timeout Error: pdf generation not completed after 30000ms (1). caused by error (2):-> stackError: at onCriticalError (D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-cli\lib\commands\render.js:302:19) at D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-cli\lib\commands\render.js:298:12caused by error (1):-> meta = {"workerTimeout":true,"logged":true}-> stackError: at Timeout.<anonymous> (D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-chrome-pdf\lib\conversion.js:293:19) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:549:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)"
HttpContext.JsReportFeature() .Recipe(Recipe.ChromePdf) .Configure(cfg => { cfg.Options = new RenderOptions { Timeout = 600000 }; cfg.Template.Chrome = new Chrome { Landscape = true, Format = "Legal", HeaderTemplate = header, FooterTemplate = footer, DisplayHeaderFooter = true, MarginTop = "95px", MarginLeft = "20px", MarginRight = "20px", MarginBottom = "40px", PrintBackground = true }; })
Is there a way I can combine both and have both working?
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