ASP.NET MVC - phantom-pdf download & html-to-xlsx
I'm using ASP.NET MVC and I want the following code in the controller object. I'm using your example in the GitHub.
WebApp exampleI'm unable to resolve the MiddlewareFilter or JsReportPipeline or I cannot get HttpContext.JsReportFeature
public IActionResult Invoice()
return View(InvoiceModel.Example());
}Really appreciate if you can respond to this.
Heh you are super fast! I commit it just yesterday. Unfortunately it is not complete yet. Please give me couple of days to push the rest of the stuff and few more days to write docs and release preview nugets.
Awesome. You are the man. Looking forward to your response in a couple of days.
Hello Jan,
Any updates?
Thanks again.
Working on it the whole day. Hopefully tomorrow it will be in git in usable form so you can try fiddling with it.
Now we have working version in git. You can find instructions how to fiddle with current bits on your local here is definitely not production ready. However we will be very thankful for every feedback.
The whole c# sdks are MIT licensed and every contribution is also more than welcome.The next steps will be to add documentation, stabilize API and release preview nugets. Stay tuned.
Thanks Jan.
I've started working on it. Will keep you informed.
A big thanks again.
Feel free to reach me on chat, I've skype or gitter with username @pofider
Or also our public chat room
I've now released the preview for .NET core support to nugget. Here you can find some early information. The further information and blog posts announcing it will come. Don't forget to check "include prerelease" in VS. would be great if anyone can give me some feedback.