Excele output error when jsreport records are too many( only 2,614 )

  • Can you please help?

    The error I get is as follows:

    {"error":"Error rendering report: rendering has finished with errors:A critical error occurred while trying to execute the render command (2). Timeout during execution of html-to-xlsx recipe (1). caused by error (2):-> stackError: at onCriticalError (D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-cli\lib\commands\render.js:302:19) at D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-cli\lib\commands\render.js:201:16 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)caused by error (1):-> stackError: at Client.render (D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-client\lib\client.js) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) at async startRender (D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-cli\lib\commands\render.js:319:24) at async D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-cli\lib\commands\render.js:186:24 at async Commander.executeCommand (D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\jsreport-cli\lib\commander.js:242:22)Remote stack: Error: at Timeout._onTimeout (D:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\script-manager\lib\in-process.js:23:10) at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:531:17) at processTimers (internal/timers.js:475:7)"}

  • Hi,

    did you try to increase the timeout? For example like this:

    var rs = new LocalReporting()                
                    .Configure(cfg => {
                        cfg.ReportTimeout = 120000;
                        return cfg;

    Or in jsreport.config.json:

    { "reportTimeout": 120000 ... }

    We have some notes regarding HTML to xlsx conversion performance here

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