Why isn't the index increasing In .net core mvc ?

  • I see your link

    .net core code

    razor code

    {{#each $pdf.pages}}
     {{#if 0}}
       <div style="page-break-before: always;"></div>
     <main class="main"> 
       <header class="header">
       <footer class="footer">
           <span>Page {{getPageNumber 0}} of {{getTotalPages ../$pdf.pages}}</span>

    I cloned jsreport-dotnet-example-webapp from your github.

    index continues to be 0
    Only when PdfOperationType merging
    It doesn't happen when append prepend.

  • The shared code of your .net call would make it more clear, but I believe you need to set MergeWholeDocument = true.

  • Thanks it works very well
    But I want to create a toc based on the page created above.
    What should I do?
    .net core code

    var pdfReport = await JsReportMVCService.RenderAsync(new RenderRequest

     Template = new Template()
         Content = result,
         Engine = Engine.Handlebars,
         Recipe = Recipe.ChromePdf,
         PdfOperations = new List<PdfOperation>()
             new PdfOperation()
               Template = new Template
                     Content = toc,
                    Engine = Engine.Handlebars,
                    Recipe = Recipe.ChromePdf
                Type = PdfOperationType.Prepend
             new PdfOperation()
                 Type = PdfOperationType.Merge,
                 MergeWholeDocument = true,
                 Template = new Template
                     Content = header,
                     Helpers = @"
                                     function getPageNumber (pageIndex) {
                                     if (pageIndex == null) {
                                             return ''
                                     const pageNumber = pageIndex + 1
                                     return pageNumber
                                 function getTotalPages (pages) {
                                     if (!pages) {
                                         return ''
                                     return pages.length
                     Engine = Engine.Handlebars,
                     Recipe = Recipe.ChromePdf,


  • Here you can find a demo of ToC in .net core razor webapp

    Based on this playground

    However, I am not sure if it is the right approach to have jsreport locally in the .net app. It is quite complex and it looks to me like you should rather have a full-blown jsreport server doing this and you communicate with it using jsreport.Client.

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