Timeout issue when rendering xlsx using reportingService . Net6 jsReport 3.8.1

  • Hi!, I'm unable to increase the timeout for rendering an excel file using ReportingService:

    This is the code that I have so far:

       var rs = new ReportingService(url, userName, password) { HttpClientTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)};
       var generatedExcel = await rs.RenderAsync(new RenderRequest
           Options = new RenderOptions
               Timeout = 10000,
           Template = new Template
    		Recipe = Recipe.HtmlToXlsx,
    		Engine = Engine.JsRender,
    		Content = table,

    When I execute that code I get the following error:

    "Unable to render template. Timeout Error: script evaluation not completed after 10000ms"

    This is with large ammount of data.

    How can I Increase the timeout?

    Thank you for your help!

  • I'm confused, why do you set the 10s timeout for the request then?

     Options = new RenderOptions
               Timeout = 10000,

    Do you use jsreport.Local nuget or a remote jsreport instance? Do you apply any configuration?

  • Hello!, I´m sorry, I've set greater numbers but does nothing, it always throws timeout exception with 10000ms.

  • We had a regression issue with every request using "per request timeout", aka what you send in Options.RenderOptions.Timeouts, causing 10s timeout always no matter what are other configs and value. It seems like you are hitting it.

    Try to update to the latest or remove the Options.RenderOptions.Timeout config.

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