Merging PDFs using the jsreport client

  • Hi,

    I'm using the jsreport.client nuget package for .Net and happily producing single PDFs. I want to merge multiple PDFs into a single file, how do I achieve this in code, is there a sample I can reference.


  • Try something like this, we will add it to the docs.

    rs.RenderAsync(new RenderRequest {
        Template = new Template()
            Content = "Helo world",
            Engine = Engine.Handlebars,
            Recipe = Recipe.ChromePdf,
            Chrome = new Chrome
                MarginTop = "2cm"
            PdfOperations = new List<PdfOperation>()
                new PdfOperation()
                    Type = PdfOperationType.Merge,
                    Template = new Template
                        Content = "header",
                        Engine = Engine.None,
                        Recipe = Recipe.ChromePdf

  • Thank you for the example, the example is for a newly created template right. I should have made it clear that I already have a report built in the designer and want to append the same report with different details multiple times. I'm wondering if there is a better way that doesn't require a merge. For example in the invoice example in the playground site is it possible to send 2 (or more) records through in the JSON file which results in multiple pages being produced for different companies, does that make sense? Note also that in my case a single report contains multiple pages.

  • Ok. So lets say you want to generate multiple invoices in single report.
    You just need to pass an array in the json and iterate over it through templating engine.

    {{#each items}}
      <h1>Invoice {{id}}</h1>

  • Cool, I'll give that a go, thanks.

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