how to render view from online template in mvc project?
i made a template in online jsreport server.
I am going to use this template in a controller as view.
I can render that template by using RenderByNameAsync.
but how can I return as ActionResult type?
I am going to get rendered html as result.
anyone help me?
I probably miss something, but this looks like a trivial thing to return a stream from the mvc controller action.
return new FileStreamResult(reporter.Content, "application/pdf")
thank you for your comment.
I wrote following code in async action.
public async Task<ContentResult> ReportTotalMonthlyValueAsync(TMVReportViewModel viewModel)
rs = new ReportingService("", "user", "password");
var report = await rs.RenderByNameAsync("TotalMonthlyValueReport", new
string text;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(report.Content))
text = reader.ReadToEnd();
return Content(text);
}when call rs.RenderByNameAsync function, this function does not return.
so i implemented it in console app and it does work.
it only does not work in mvc action.
could you help me?