I want to insert the formulas in the cycle. Calculate min/avg/max for each data column.
<tr >
{{#each flags}}
<td data-cell-type="formula" class="cell-project-name-content" >=MAX({How?}:{How?})</td>
</tr >
I want to insert the formulas in the cycle. Calculate min/avg/max for each data column.
<tr >
{{#each flags}}
<td data-cell-type="formula" class="cell-project-name-content" >=MAX({How?}:{How?})</td>
</tr >
I need to specify the cell value, that starts from equal sign like "={{My_meta_tag}}. The problem is that cell type is not string. The user gets an error, when trying to edit this cell. The user has to select the celltype manually before editing. How can i set up data-cell-type to string?