not sure what problem was, i just upgraded node to 6.10.3 and it is working, i am running, i will try rebuilding my dev machine from ground up and see what happens.
Thank you for all your help and time, much appreciated!
not sure what problem was, i just upgraded node to 6.10.3 and it is working, i am running, i will try rebuilding my dev machine from ground up and see what happens.
Thank you for all your help and time, much appreciated!
I got it running, sort of. I installed on my dev machine which was running node v4.6.0 everthing worked fine.
My server was running v6.10.3 which was giving me the issues, i also tried installing v7.10.0 on my server after uninstalling v6.10.3 and was getting same issue.
I then uninstalled node again and put v4.6.0 on the server, excel downloads correctly.
What versions of Node are supported?
I have noticed the xlsx on the server in the appdata folder is encoded as ansi and the one downloaded is utf8.
Is this something your application choosing different encoding when saving as opposed to downloading, or is this something i need to check into on my system.
Any ideas?
Tried all that you suggested got the same results, tried this on 2 servers. Did not try another os.
I have discovered this, the xlsx that is created on the server in the appdata folder is valid, the version that is downloaded is corrupt.
I have included the 2 versions in a zip file
The server is running Node v6.10.0
I uploaded a zip file with the xlsx template (table.xlsx) and the produced excel (jsreport.xlsx) to the following .
The template code is below:
{{#xlsxAdd "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.sheetData[0].row"}}
<c t="inlineStr"><is><t>5</t></is></c>
<c t="inlineStr"><is><t>6</t></is></c>
{{#xlsxMerge "xl/tables/table1.xml" "table.autoFilter"}}
<autoFilter ref="A1:B3"/>
{{#xlsxMerge "xl/tables/table1.xml" "table"}}
<table ref="A1:B4"/>
i forgot to mention i copied the template from playground for xlsx table ( and then uploaded a copy of the xlsx template referenced to my server to run this test.
That worked for saving the xlsx template but now i have a second issue, i cannot open the xlsx file that is created.
When i run the report using your excel online service it runs fine, i can download it and open no problem, But when i disable preview with "previewInExcelOnline": false, it downloads the xlsx file but it cannot be opened. I get the following messages in excel:
We found a problem with some content in 'report (16).xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
Then when i click Yes i get
Excel cannot open the file 'report (16).xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid, Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.
We found a problem with some content in 'report (16).xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
Then when i click Yes i get
Excel cannot open the file 'report (16).xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid, Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.
I am using excel 2016.
I can run the report fine but when i try to save the template i am getting the following error:
Table jsreport_TemplateType does not have a column or property named xlsxTemplate