issue with formatting pdfFormField helper
Hey @jan_blaha @bjrmatos
Hope you're doing well,I'm trying to use
{{{pdfFormField name='date' color='#000000' type='text' width='230px' height='30px' backgroundColor='#ffffff' fontSize='14px' value='13 July 2020'}}}
for the editable date field, I've tried various options but facing some issues:- #ffffff backgroundColor is not working after editing completed
- want to set the position of field to the center
- currently I'm only able to edit date if I focus two times in the field
Please find the Playground here
The blue color highlight seems to be the application viewing the pdf behavior which the
pdf file can't change. will look at the center thing.
Thank you @jan_blaha for your valuable time. I'm looking forward to the center thing
Would this centering approach work for you?
Thanks! @jan_blaha for the solution