Error - Unable to render template. spawn UNKNOWN

  • Hey hello,

    We get this error while rendering the report: "Unable to render template. spawn UNKNOWN",
    I don't understand how to resolve it, can you suggest some solutions? on this.

    This are console logs:

    2023-06-07T14:29:26.770Z - info: Render request 1 queued for execution and waiting for available worker rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:26.855Z - info: Starting rendering request 1 rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:26.856Z - info: Rendering template { name: returnTemplate, recipe: chrome-pdf, engine: handlebars, preview: false } rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:26.857Z - debug: Inline data specified. rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:26.857Z - debug: Base url not specified, skipping its injection. rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:26.936Z - debug: Replaced assets ["returnTemplate-style.css"] rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:26.936Z - debug: Rendering engine handlebars rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:28.624Z - debug: Executing recipe chrome-pdf rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:28.668Z - error: Error when processing render request 1
    (because) spawn UNKNOWN
    Error: spawn UNKNOWN

    at ChildProcess.spawn (node:internal/child_process:412:11)
    at Object.spawn (node:child_process:698:9)
    at Object.spawn (pkg/prelude/bootstrap.js:1963:27)
    at BrowserRunner.start (C:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\node\BrowserRunner.js:119:34)
    at ChromeLauncher.launch (C:\snapshot\jsreport\node_modules\puppeteer\lib\cjs\puppeteer\node\ChromeLauncher.js:76:16)
    at async createBrowser (C:\snapshot\jsreport\packages\jsreport-chrome-pdf\lib\chromePoolStrategy.js:98:26)
    at async allocateBrowser (C:\snapshot\jsreport\packages\jsreport-chrome-pdf\lib\chromePoolStrategy.js:113:5)
    at async getBrowser (C:\snapshot\jsreport\packages\jsreport-chrome-pdf\lib\chromePoolStrategy.js:23:30)
    at async C:\snapshot\jsreport\packages\jsreport-chrome-pdf\lib\conversion.js:11:19
    at async execute (C:\snapshot\jsreport\packages\jsreport-chrome-pdf\lib\chromePoolStrategy.js:20:22) rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:28.669Z - error: Rendering request 1 finished with error in 1903 ms rootId=rfgnjez915tb1a2, id=rfgnjez915tb1a2
    2023-06-07T14:29:28.677Z - error: Error during processing request at http://localhost:5488/api/report

  • It seems you use jsreport.exe binary and it can't run chrome.exe for some unknown reason.
    The chrome.exe is extracted to the user temp during the first run.

    Please try to remove the [user temp folder]/jsreport and try it again.
    Typically its here c:\Users\[user]\AppData\Local\Temp\jsreport\

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