jsreport aws lambda starter kit invalid version for license

  • I recently downloaded the jsreport-aws-lambda-starter-kit, when I plugged in my licenses I get the error listed below. Is there a way to downgrade the starter kit to my license version?

    error: Error occurred during reporter init: Error: The license key is not valid for version 3.12.0 because the 6 months of free updates ended on 6/13/2022 and version 3.12.0 was released on 6/8/2023. The latest eligible version for this license key is 3.6.2. To upgrade your license and use the latest jsreport, please visit your customer's dashboard or contact support.

  • You can set the jsreport version in the package.json dependencies here and reinstall

    Typically this is enough.

  • Thank You!!! I will give that a try

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