error while executing pdf-utils when there are more data

  • HI @jan_blaha

    I have created one report using chrome-pdf recipe and it's working find with somewhere around 53 objects in array but when I have more data than that, it's not working and throwing below error. seems weird issue.

        at module.exports (/app/node_modules/jsreport-core/lib/util/createError.js:11:13)
        at Reporter.createError (/app/node_modules/jsreport-core/lib/reporter.js:332:12)
        at AsyncFunction.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/jsreport-pdf-utils/lib/main.js:382:22)
        at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
        at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
    caused by: Error: Error while executing pdf-utils operations. Error while executing pdf-utils operations. Cannot read property '2' of undefined
        at process.<anonymous> (/app/node_modules/script-manager/lib/worker-processes.js:55:23)
        at process.emit (events.js:311:20)
        at emit (internal/child_process.js:876:12)
        at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:85:21)```
    can you please suggest something for the same?

  • I am afraid you use a very old jsreport version which we don't hotfix anymore.
    Does the same happen in the latest jsreport?

  • let me try it in latest jsreport

  • @jan_blaha

    When I run the report in playground with same data getting below error

    Error when communicating with worker: socket hang up
    Error: Error when communicating with worker: socket hang up
        at run (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-docker-workers/lib/sendToWorker.js:78:25)
        at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
        at async Object.execute (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-docker-workers/lib/allocate.js:117:18)
        at async MainReporter.executeWorkerAction (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-core/lib/main/reporter.js:574:22)
        at async MainReporter.render (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-core/lib/main/reporter.js:470:30)```

  • This may just mean that the worker got overloaded...
    Please share the playground link...

  • @jan_blaha please find playground url, not able to understand what is the issue over here


  • The workspace works for me on the latest jsreport.
    Have you tried it locally with the latest?

    Note your merge footer operation should use "merge whole document" option.

  • Thanks! @jan_blaha It's working with merge footer operation should use "merge whole document" option

    Thank you!

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