Unable to render the xlsx file which is having multiple worksheets

  • Unable to render the xlsx file which is having multiple worksheets
    refer https://playground.jsreport.net/w/papegowda/I1pQW9CK

    Error when communicating with worker: socket hang up
    Error: Error when communicating with worker: socket hang up
    at run (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-docker-workers/lib/sendToWorker.js:89:25)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
    at async Object.execute (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-docker-workers/lib/allocate.js:117:18)
    at async MainReporter.executeWorkerAction (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-core/lib/main/reporter.js:570:22)
    at async MainReporter.render (/app/node_modules/@jsreport/jsreport-core/lib/main/reporter.js:472:30)

  • This isn't because of multiple worksheets but because your sheets include a half million of unused elements.
    This can be solved by using Excel app "optimize workbook" feature.

    Here is the fixed xlsx

    Note it for some reason doesn't work in the playground. I am checking on that. You should have no issues locally.

  • Thanks and now it is not showing error and also the preview or download is not working

  • Playground is fixed now, here is the updated workspace for ref

  • Hi,

    Thank you for your prompt assistance in fixing the issue in the playground environment.

    We are experiencing the same issue on our on-premise server and would like to implement the same changes you made in the playground to resolve it.

    Could you please provide details of the changes or configurations that were applied to make it work in the playground? This information will help us apply the same modifications to our on-premise server.

    Thank you for your support and assistance

  • That was purely just about playground...

    Please describe what are you experiencing in detail...
    Do you also have problems with "hello world" templates? Do you see errors in the F12 browser tools...

  • Hi
    i am getting the below error when i try to run the report using spread sheet which having cross worksheet formula

    Error while executing xlsx recipe
    (because) error when evaluating engine handlebars for template anonymous
    (because) parse error on line 16:
    ...='COUNTIF('Detailed Inventory'!$X$13:$X$
    Expecting 'EQUALS', got 'INVALID'

    (sandbox.js line 13:18)

  • What jsreport version do you use?
    Please provide a minimal example in playground. With just a "blank sheet" and a formula that breaks.

  • Hi We are having the same issue. Any formula with a cross-sheet reference is throwing the same error.

    Error while executing xlsx recipe
    (because) error when evaluating engine handlebars for template anonymous
    (because) parse error on line 15:
    'Fixed Data'!$B$25/10^2'}}<
    Expecting 'EQUALS', got 'INVALID'

    We are using version: 3.11.3

  • Please try the latest.
    If it won't help, please share a minimal playground demo.

  • Hi,
    we are using version 4.2.0

    this is working fine in playground, but it is not working in our on-premise server


  • Try to update...

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