Set "background-color" not working in "html-to-xlsx" but working in "chrome-pdf"

  • I'm having trouble getting the background color to display in excel.

    As mentioned in title, the chrome-pdf works but the html-to-xlsx doesn't.

    Here is the playground:

    On a side note, not sure why in the above sample playground the excel generation takes quite a reasonable time to generate the excel but in my local jsreport, it is taking me at least 10s to generate the above same excel.

    Thanks for the help in advanced!

  • It seems you need to apply the style to the td.

     .header-center > td {
       background-color: red

  • Hi, thanks for the solution.
    It did help to set the background color for the .header-center class.
    But for the ".header-top", I tried to do the same but strangely, it did not work for the color black / #000000.
    It did work for other colors though...
    Any idea why is this happening?

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