Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/app/data/fs.lock'

  • I updated jsreport/jsreport:2.5.0-full to jsreport/jsreport:2.7.0-full in docker but running into this: Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/app/data/fs.lock'

    when its trying to initialize the docker container.

    Here is the docker file I'm using which worked for 2.5.0:

    FROM jsreport/jsreport:2.7.0-full
    EXPOSE 5488
    COPY ./data /app/data
    COPY ./jsreport.config.json /app/jsreport.config.json
    COPY ./prod.config.json /app/prod.config.json
    COPY ./node_modules /app/node_modules
    RUN export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=6096

  • Please use the following:

    COPY --chown=jsreport:jsreport ./data /app/data

    The user running the node process doesn't have root permissions and you need to chown during copy to the image.

  • That worked! Thanks for the quick response.

  • i have the same issue this is my dockerfile

    FROM jsreport/jsreport:2.7.0-full
    # Set working directory di dalam container
    WORKDIR /app
    RUN mkdir -p /app/data
    COPY  package*.json ./
    RUN npm install --unsafe-perm && npm cache clean --force
    COPY --chown=jsreport:jsreport jsreport.config.json /app/
    COPY --chown=jsreport:jsreport /data /app/data
    COPY --chown=jsreport:jsreport . .
    # Ekspos port jsreport
    EXPOSE 5488
    CMD [ "sh", "-c", "rm -f /app/data/fs.lock && npm start" ]

  • @irkhamdivistant Can you upgrade to the latest jsreport version? jsreport 2.7.0 is very old.

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