Import timeout when using postgres store provider
when using database (postgres) as store provider i get
524: A timeout occurred
and maybe for more context im using yugabyte postgresql
it was fine when i run it first time (when there is no data inside the databases)here are my jsreport.config.json
{ "httpPort": 5488, "store": { "provider": "postgres" }, "blobStorage": { "provider": "aws-s3-storage" }, "office": { "preview": { "enabled": true } }, "logger": { "console": { "transport": "console", "level": "debug" }, "file": { "transport": "file", "level": "info", "filename": "logs/reporter.log" }, "error": { "transport": "file", "level": "error", "filename": "logs/error.log" } }, "trustUserCode": true, "reportTimeout": 1000000, "workers": { "numberOfWorkers": 2, "chrome": { "numberOfWorkers": 2 } }, "extensions": { "authentication": { "cookieSession": {}, "admin": { "username": "username", "password": "password" }, "enabled": false }, "aws-s3-storage": { "bucket": "mybucket", "s3Options": { "endpoint": "", "s3ForcePathStyle": true } }, "postgres-store": { "host": "mydb", "port": 5433, "database": "db", "user": "user" }, "sample-template": { "createSamples": false }, "chrome-pdf": { "launchOptions": { "args": [ "--no-sandbox", "--disable-setuid-sandbox", "--disable-dev-shm-usage", "--disable-gpu" ], "protocolTimeout": 1000000 }, "timeout": 1000000 }, "express": { "request": { "jsonLimit": "1000mb", "inputRequestLimit": "1000mb" } } } }
is there a limit to how long the import can run?
We basically open the transaction, run sql queries, and then commit. We have no timeout handling implemented for import.
What kind of timeout is that? Connection, query, network...?
Here are the output of the validation run
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at b.callback (
at b.<anonymous> (
at t.emit (
at t.onreadystatechange (
This is likely a timeout from your web server, not from jsreport. Check your web server config.