Applying configuration on .net core app

  • How can I add configuration to my LocalReporting object on .net core

    I would like to add this

    "phantom": {
    "strategy": "phantom-server"
    "tasks": {
    "strategy": "http-server"

  • administrators

    hi! you can add a configuration file in the jsreport folder of your project to specify more complex configurations. just create a jsreport.config.json in PATH_TO_YOUR_PROJECT\jsreport\jsreport.config.json and add the phantom and tasks strategies configuration as you need.

  • administrators

    however be aware that uses the jsreport executable which has limitations to run phantom in server mode, so if you really need to change the phantom strategy you should use the full node.js jsreport instead.

  • Thanks,

    At the end i did this by reading the documentation, but i didn't know if is working because i was trying to improve the performance and it's still the same.
    I was trying to run the LocalReporting as a webserver but was almost the same.
    How can i use the node.js jsreport?

  • administrators

    just follow the instructions here


    npm install jsreport-cli -g
    jsreport init
    jsreport start

    • use .net client in your project to render reports from .net using the node.js server

  • Thanks for the information.
    I think that i will need to keep running the jsreport server in background, and that mean that i need to use jsreport.Embedded.

  • FYI there is no active development or maintenance in jsreport.Embedded, but feel free to fork it.

    Can you describe your peformance issues?
    Changing phantomjs strategy can help you to improve the performance only by hundreds of milliseconds.
    If your rendering takes lets say 20 seconds. This won't be the solution anyway.

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