[resolved] jsReport script: data caching

  • v: 2.1.0

    This might be a bit of a noob question: can the data be cached? Is the worker (process) in which you are triggering the script if being terminated after the end or is it persisted? Can I store some values for the future executions?

    Consider my scenario, where I have to pull the data from cloud and I need a token. This token has an expiry and I'd like to keep it cached until it expires. How would I do something like that?

    Thanks again.

  • The script runs in the extra process and in extra sandbox. Everything is terminated after it finishes. At least by default.

    How about you would save the token to a file and read it from it? Use the file as a cache.

  • Hi Jan, not entirely a bad idea... it was not just about the token but could work for larger data too. Thanks

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