Styling in footer of chrome-pdf
I am stuck at such a little thing. I am trying to align footer text in center and am using style="text-align:center" but it still puts at left corner.Any help is appreciated,
thank you,
Rashmi<style> footer { position:absolute; bottom:10px; height:25px; width:98%; } .makeCenter { text-align:center } </style> <footer> {{#if_gt $pdf.pages.length 1}} <span style="padding-left:65px"> {{$pdf.pageNumber}}/{{$pdf.pages.length}}</span> {{/if_gt}} {{#with (lookup $pdf.pages $pdf.pageIndex)}} <span class="makeCenter"> {{}}{{group.more}} </span> {{/with}} </footer>
Could you simplify (as much as you can) and replicate this in playground?
I found Jan that <span> with style or class for text-align doesn't work but if I change to <div align="center"> or table td align="center" then it aligns.
In short, text-align bad, align good.Thank you.