Couldn't Open workbook , Excel Error (inside JSReport only)

  • Hi, im using the JSReport on the server , and i've noticed that some of the excel files are not working in the JSReport. For example i have demo Excel file . Which has some calculations and other chart stuff.
    If i upload this demo excel inside the JSReport and hit run i'll get the error that

    Couldn't Open workbook
    We're sorry, we couldn't open your workbook. It's possibly corrupt or using a file 
    format that's not supported.

    But the same excel file is running fine in the Excel Online also . Even the file is stored with xlsx extension inside jsreport server.

    So wanted to know whats causing this Excel online inside JSReport to stop loading the excel or stop opening the Excel file

    Any ideas !

  • Could you please upload here or somewhere the mentioned excel template file?

  • @jan_blaha
    Hi , here it is

    The template linked is the general excel template from the office , even this also not working.

  • This issue solved in the update of npm i jsreport-xlsx@2.0.6 --save --save-exact thanks to @jan_blaha

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