API not being called by request in beforeRender
Hell - im a newbe so please forgive my ignorance, but following all the examples i am trying to get API data as follows:
var request = require('request'); function beforeRender(done){ console.log('hello'); request({ url:"", method: "POST", json:true, headers: {'User-Agent':'Super Agent/0.0.1','content-type': 'application/json','Content-Length': 92}, },function(err, response, body){ console.log(body); request.data = {posts:body}; console.log(request.data); done(); }) }
using the debug, i find that the script is being executed:
+0 Starting rendering request 26 (user: null) +7 Rendering template { name: index, recipe: chrome-pdf, engine: handlebars, preview: true } +13 Data item not defined for this template. +19 Resources not defined for this template. +31 Executing script indexScript +1241 hello +1264 Base url not specified, skipping its injection. +1268 Rendering engine handlebars +1853 Compiled template not found in the cache, compiling +1873 Executing recipe chrome-pdf +2271 Converting with chrome HeadlessChrome/72.0.3617.0 using dedicated-process strategy +2802 Running chrome with params {"printBackground":true,"margin":{}} +3344 Skipping storing report.
But my fiddler tells me the http request to is never made for some reason...
I'm banging my head on this one
Are you using the latest jsreport,or at least the v2 version?
The script hooks have different signature there. See the docs
https://jsreport.net/learn/scriptsYour script should look like this
var request = require('request'); function beforeRender(req, res, done){ console.log('hello'); request({ url:"", method: "POST", json:true, headers: {'User-Agent':'Super Agent/0.0.1','content-type': 'application/json','Content-Length': 92}, },function(err, response, body){ console.log(body); req.data = {posts:body}; console.log(req.data); done(); }) }