jsreport hosting on in-house Windows server not working properly

  • I have recently deployed jsreport on my windows server.
    My System config is :

    • Windows server 2012 R2 64 bit
    • IIS 8.5
    • iisnode for 7.X 64 bit

    I am getting "400 Bad Request" in response when requesting for report generation using jsreport-browser-client-dist. When I redirect the same request to jsreportonline, It works just fine.

    Also during deployment of the jsreport on server, the security tool has removed the following file due to some security concern:


      "template": {
        "content": "<div>Hello</div>",
        "engine": "none",
        "recipe": "phantom-pdf",
        "phantom": {
          "format": "A3",
          "footerHeight": "140px",
          "footer": "<div>Footer</div>",
          "printDelay": 1000

  • Is the jsreport actually properly running? I mean can you reach the jsreport studio through browser?
    How is your jsreport hosted? As the windows service, or inside iisnode?
    Can you provide the startup logs?

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