Formatting in XLSX doc
It's probably a Monaco thing, so outside the realm of jsReport, but I've noticed that while the formatting for (eg) Chrome-PDF (HTML) reports works as I expect with nesting/indenting etc, the XLSX 'format document' option compacts things in a weird way...
If I give it something like the sample below:
... {{/xlsxAdd}} {{#xlsxAddImage "Client-logo" "sheet1.xml" 0 0 1 1}} {#asset {{tt}}.png @encoding=base64} {{/xlsxAddImage}} {{#xlsxAddImage "our-logo" "sheet1.xml" pl0 0 pl1 1}} {#asset our-logo.png @encoding=base64} {{/xlsxAddImage}} {{#xlsxAdd "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.sheetData[0].row"}} ...
it squishes it down to:
{{/xlsxAdd}} {{#xlsxAddImage "Client-logo" "sheet1.xml" 0 0 1 1}} {#asset {{tt}}.png @encoding=base64} {{/xlsxAddImage}} {{#xlsxAddImage "AP-logo" "sheet1.xml" pl0 0 pl1 1}} {#asset Audience-Precision-logo.png @encoding=base64} {{/xlsxAddImage}} {{#xlsxAdd "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.sheetData[0].row"}}
not a huge issue, just makes it a little harder to read...
Is it worth opening a bug, or is this out of jsReport control?
Please put this to our backlog with issues
Maybe there will be a hook in monako to avoid removing line breaks in this case
done, thanks Jan. very low priority (but might be applicable to the docx and pptx functionality as well over time) -