Programmatically adding headers and footers

  • If I wanted to programatically add headers and footers for each child template - how would I go about doing that? Each child requires a unique header i.e. Section 1, Section 2, Section 3. Each footer would require a page number so there would be a continuous flow throughout the whole document.

         await reporter.documentStore.collection('templates').insert({
            content: pages.page1,
            engine: 'jsrender',
            recipe: 'html',
            name: 't1',
            chrome: {
              displayHeaderFooter: true,
              footerTemplate: `TEST FOOTER TEMPLATE`,
              margin: {
                top: "2cm",
                bottom: "3cm",
                right: "1cm",
                left: "1cm"
          await reporter.documentStore.collection('templates').insert({
            content: pages.page2,
            engine: 'jsrender',
            recipe: 'html',
            name: 't2'
          await reporter.documentStore.collection('templates').insert({
            content: 'xx',
            engine: 'jsrender',
            recipe: 'html',
            name: 't3'
          const request = {
            template: { content: '{#child t1} {#child t2} {#child t3}', engine: 'none', recipe: 'chrome-pdf' }


  • Perhaps, lets the first start with static generation and then do the dynamic part.

    Child templates are mostly producing HTML and have no impact on the pdf header or footer.
    However, you can add to the page some hidden marks through child templates and later produce headers/footer based on these values. This can be achieved using pdf utils extension
    This example mentioned in the docs could help

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