Access REST API from trial instances

  • I looked through the JSReport Docs and found the api documentation which provides sample urls such as https://jsreport-host/api/report.

    I am attempting to trial this software before purchasing. I created a free account and created the instance (example) If I try to curl this instance directly it redirects me to the sign in page.

    So I created a share link, which adds an access token to the querystring. There are a few sharable public urls I have found.


    I have tried a few permutations of these urls using the /api/[template_name] schema suggested in the api documentation however I dont recieve a response.

    Is it possible to test the jsreport REST api from a free account's instance?
    Is jsreport intended solely to be self-hosted from a node process? Or can it be accessed from an instance hosted by jsreport?

  • Hi,

    I apologize for the confusion, we need to add better documentation to the jsreportonline.

    Is it possible to test the jsreport REST api from a free account's instance?

    Absolutely, there is no limitation regarding API calls.

    If I try to curl this instance directly it redirects me to the sign in page.

    This is probably because you are missing the authorization header.
    It should look like this, it is common basic auth standard
    Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
    Where the hash is based on username and password:

    With such a header, you can call for example

    When you want to render something, find details in the API docs

    Is jsreport intended solely to be self-hosted from a node process? Or can it be accessed from an instance hosted by jsreport?

    I am afraid I don't understand what you mean. Can you elaborate?


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