feature requests

    1. Could you make jsreport init on Linux also output a warning - "don't forget to install chrome to get the required dependencies" or some such? Alternatively, some documentation on this would be nice - running chrome headless on Linux has a ton of system dependencies and the puppeteer package (npm in general) doesn't install system dependencies. My work around was just install chrome - which would also install the system dependencies - but there may be a better way.

    2. Would you consider adding jsreport-version-control-git into the list of built-in modules that ship with jsreport so it stays up to date? Maybe I'm the only one that uses it and finds it useful, but every time I go to install it on a new test system for example, the install fails because that module never gets any love when you update things, and over time all the dependencies that it has in package.json get stale - for instance now it won't build because the referenced version of nodegit is not compatible with newer versions of nodejs. It is my understanding that this module doesn't activate unless you manually add the "provider"="git" to your jsreport.config.json, so hopefully including it wouldn't be a big deal.

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  • Actually, i think jsreport-version-control-git may be broken now against 2.9. I cloned it, used ncu to update it to latest packages successfully - then npm linked it into my new jsreport project and thought everything was happy until i actually enabled it by adding "versionControl": { "provider": "git" } to my config. When I try to start jsreport with that in the config, I get:

    2020-08-13T21:54:22.262Z - debug: Version control for git is initializing repository
    2020-08-13T21:54:22.263Z - debug: Version control for git is making initial commit
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    Any ideas?

  • Hi,

    we have installation steps here
    It makes sense to add a link to the output. Thanks for the idea,

    Unfortunately, jsreport-version-control-git has big dependency so it needs to be an extra extension.

    Could you share what OS and what version you use? We would take a look at what can be the problem.
    Its likely something mentioned here https://github.com/nodegit/nodegit

  • I some how missed the on-prem link - good to know. I'm using CentOS 8 minimal/headless. I will clone nodegit and play around with their samples to make sure the basics work and let you know. I understand not wanting to pick up that dependency - kinda wish they would have just made cli calls to git instead of wrapping all that c code and openssl stuff but I'm sure they had their reasons.

  • I spent some time fiddling with it and the examples at https://www.nodegit.org/guides/repositories/initializing/ and related seem to work ok on the machine - so I'm not sure what is going on. If you wouldn't mind taking a look when you get a chance and maybe update the module github and npm once you get it working I'd appreciate it. Our production server is on ubuntu 18.04 and still running 2.5 with the module no problem - but we'd like to switch to centos 8 and 2.9 at some point before too long.

  • oh - also - i'm using node-v12.18.3-linux-x64 presently - although amenable to use a different version if you prefer.

  • I just submitted a pull request that has the fixes to both update this module to 2.9 and fix the tiny problem that was causing nodegit to core dump.

  • Also, following your on-prem guide for Ubuntu 20.04, in addition to what was there, i had to manually do:

    apt install libxtst6 libxss1

    I guess Chrome doesn't require those but puppeteer does.

  • I just submitted a pull request that has the fixes to both update this module to 2.9 and fix the tiny problem that was causing nodegit to core dump.

    Thank you very much. Its merged.

    Also, following your on-prem guide for Ubuntu 20.04, in addition to what was there, i had to manually do:

    Perfect, thank you. I pushed a commit with docs update.

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