'Request quota exceeded' is looping

  • Hey guys

    Have an issue with pdf rendering using ASP.Net MVC Core, as jsreport reports the following error:

    Seems like it keeps looping for some time, so I am kind of stuck here.
    Has any of you experienced the similar and somehow managed to solve this?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Due to the issue is probably caused by larger images rendered in the pdf, as the following error also occurs:

    Can't seem to stop the whole thing, as it seems like a number of pdf are in queue to be rendered :(

  • Hi,

    it seems you have some retry logic implemented on your client, that causes the loop when the report fails.

    The quote exceeded error is caused by jsreportonline throttling. You typically hit this when you send too many requests during a limited interval. In this case likely because of the retry logic on your end.
    It should disappear in 5 minutes max.

    The error "communication with script manager" means there was a hard crash of the process during the templating engine or custom script evaluation.

  • The big images can be really the cause. Could you try to resize them to the final size upfront?

    Thank you for using jsreport

  • Hi Jan

    Thanks for your reply.
    I haven't added retry logic in my end, so it seems strange that jsreport tries to render the pdf repeatedly.

    In my case the Recipe.ChromePdf is used, while WaitForJS is set to true.

    Could that be the case?
    Is there anyway to stop the rendering completely?

    And regarding the images, I will have to find a way to resize these.
    At the moment I have issues with rendering new pdf-files, as the service keeps reporting "Request quota exceeded".


  • I haven't added retry logic in my end, so it seems strange that jsreport tries to render the pdf repeatedly.

    Are you sure about this? I see thousands of external calls to your account in our load balancer logs.
    Like a few thousand per minute. This is very likely coming from your client.

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