Error: Enterprise trial expired, with valid subscription key
Hello, my company uses jsreport with an enterprise license of type subscription. We have installed jsreport (v. 2.9.0), as an AWS Lambda function, using the guide offered here: . Although we have a valid subscription key, sometimes (not always) we get the following error message: "Error: Enterprise trial expired", " at handleResponse (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/jsreport-licensing/lib/licensing.js:145:13)", " at async AsyncFunction.<anonymous> (/opt/nodejs/node_modules/jsreport-licensing/lib/licensing.js:273:9)"
Can you please let me know, if there is something we are doing wrong?
Hi, how do you set the license key?
we have a jsreport.license.json at the root of the application
Thak you.
The issue here is that the aws lambda uses read-only file system.
Therefore jsreport can't write the license information to thejsreport.license.json
For this reason, the starter kit disables using jsreport.license.json fully.
Please try to use the environment variable "licenseKey" instead.
Thank you very much. I will try add the env variable and get back to you. Should I remove completely the jsreport.license.json then?