API documentation by template
Dear jsReport-Team,
i am missing a way to express what data structure my template expects. This info should be displayed for someone who wants to post some data to request a generated pdf via the API (http://localhost:5488/api/report) .
Currently i can see all templates like this:
http://localhost:5488/odata/templates?$select=name{ "@odata.context": "http://localhost:5488/odata/$metadata#templates(name)", "value": [ { "name": "sales-main", "_id": "u1WR0ZHBIg3Wehel" } ... ] }
What I would love to see:
http://localhost:5488/odata/templates?$select=name{ "@odata.context": "http://localhost:5488/odata/$metadata#templates(name)", "value": [ { "name": "sales-main", "_id": "u1WR0ZHBIg3Wehel", "expected-data": {"name": string, "location":[number], "children":[{ "name": string, "age": number}]} } } ... ] }
I would also like to add a description of the parameters but this is all optional :))
Thank you for all your work you really did a great job.
Hmm, typically you associate the sample data with the template and this describes the expected data.
You just need to query the data based on the template.http://localhost:5488/odata/data?$filter=shortid eq 'xxxxxx'
Would this approach work for you?
Additionally, we could support adding comments to the sample data json.
Thanks a lot jan i will try this later. This is really a great idea. :)
I guess this will work and will do the job.