AWS S3: Error when processing OData POST: /odata/folders SignatureDoesNotMatch
Hi dear jsReport people,
we are using jsReport in Version 2.11 in combination with AWS S3 and the SNS synch on premise.
When I try for example to create a folder with name kühl I can see the following error in the GUI and in the logs:
Error when processing OData POST: /odata/folders SignatureDoesNotMatch
and the created folders in S3 look like ~~kühl and in the GUI I can not see the created folder
Is it generally possible to use umlauts or special characters in combination with S3 Buckets?
For example in the playground using umlauts is possible:
this is a bug in our AWS s3 driver. I pushed a fix and released jsreport-fs-store-aws-s3-persistence@1.4.1Jan
Hi @jan_blaha,
thanks for the fast answer and fix.
Will the change be part of jsReport 2.11 full version from the docker repository out of the box with the new jsreport-fs-store-aws-s3-persistence@1.4.1? I mean a redeploy of jsReport 2.11 full and that´s it for the fix?
Or do I have to explicitly upgrade to the jsreport-fs-store-aws-s3-persistence@1.4.1 version
Thanks so far :-)
You have to make your image with explicit jsreport-fs-store-aws-s3-persistence@1.4.1
We will update images with jsreport@3 and that will take some time. It will be big.
Hi @jan_blaha,
to share my experience with the new version of jsreport-fs-store-aws-s3-persistence@1.4.1 it looks like that creating e.g. folders with umlauts and/or UTF-8 characters works like a charm now.
Thank you for this fast fix
Thank you for the update.