Different margin for each page
Hi, I'm wanting to fixed an element to bottom of first page. I'm trying to use pdf utils for merging it but seems like I need to make different margin-bottom in first page. I tried to use @page: first but it's not working as expected ( found this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13995490/page-first-margin-in-chrome-bug). I already made a sample here: https://playground.jsreport.net/w/anon/NZRzZKi2. Do you guys have any suggestion or advise what i can do with jsreport?
I am afraid that chrome can set the margin only for the whole document.
Typically you solve your case by making an extra template with a different margin and you prepend it using pdf utils to the main template. Unfortunately, your "section 1" seems to be dynamic and spawns to multiple pages, so you can't use this approach. I don't know how to solve this at this moment.