filtering an array of arrays that contain objects
in my report i've used the group by function to group all objects in different arrays based on a value they have in common
so i get a sort of Array of arrays with inside objects grouped.
previously when i wasn't using the group by functionality, i had an array with objects and it was pretty easy to filter them using this code below:
for removing previous row in the table after filtering
while (Body.firstChild) { ordersBody.removeChild(Body.lastChild);
where Body is the <tbody> element
for filtering in the objects
data = data.filter( function(item) { return item.OrderNumber.indexOf(FilterValue) !== -1 })
Now i can't use this, since i'm also using in the handlebars this structure for generating the table
{{#each orders}}
<< creating the header of the table>>
{{#each this}}
<<here i create the rows that contain the data of each object in the array>>
So my question is: how could i filter this data and eventually remove the rows that are not included in the filter having this structure of array?
the array is represented like this:
Array(3) [ (1) […], (1) […], (2) […] ]
0: Array [ {…} ]
1: Array [ {…} ]
2: Array [ {…}, {…} ]
length: 3
<prototype>: Array []I'm new to jsreport, hope i made a clear explanation of the issue
It seems complicated to describe... Please rather prepare a minimal playground demo and I will take a look there. Thank you.