Getting special characters while reading PDF through automation script.

  • Hi,

    After generating the PDF the content looks fine, but while reading through automation script unable to pass the due to special characters.

    Here I attached the screenshots.

    Check the Inspect

    PDF File

    Thanks in advance.
    Vamsi K

  • Interesting, I've tried to render that "unaffected" word and I can copy it properly as text.
    See the demo

    Maybe it has something to do with the font. Please try to replicate the minimal example, perhaps just that word with styles in the playground. Thank you

  • Hi @jan_blaha,

    I copied the project and giving the template structure with minimal data to reproduce the issue, but while running the project locally I couldn't reproduce the issue.

    The letters are missing once the server generate the PDF report.

    Could you provide us solution.

    Thanks in advance.

    Vamsi K

  • The playground server seems to render it properly right?

    You may need some server fonts installed. You can try the following

    apt-get install -y fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-kacst

  • @jan_blaha ,

    I was used only ''Helvectia Neue" fonts in JsReports,

    Do I need to install the following fonts on server, which I didn't used?


    Thanks in advance,

  • I apologize but the area of the server fonts is something I'm not an expert in.
    Please try to install it incrementally and find what you actually need.

  • Ok @jan_blaha,

    I was blocked and couldn't find the solution, is there any possibility to replicate the issue with this code on playground, could you tag the supporting person on this issue.

    Thanks in advance,

  • I'm not sure I understand. Did you try to install the mentioned packages and it didn't help?

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