reportName not working. Reports are stored with random name.
Hi, I was testing the jsreport with node.js and express. I am able to render a report as expected. I have mentioned the reportName in the options of jsreport.render() but still reports are stored with random name.
template: { name:'driver-manifest-main'},
data: req.body,
"options": {
"reportName": req.body.docId,
"reports": { "save": true }
}).then((resp) => {'Processed the driver manifest generation request');
}).catch((e) => {
logger.error('Error occurred while processing driver manifest generation request ' + e.toString());
"statusCode": 500,
"errorMessage": e.toString(),
I apologize, this is a bit misleading in the docs.
The name of the stored file/blob is by default inherited from the entity unique _id. This can be customized using
{ "options": { "reports": { "save": true, "blobName": "myfilename" } }
So your request should look like this
{ "template": { "name":'driver-manifest-main'}, "data": req.body, "options": { "reports": { "save": true, "blobName": req.body.docId } } }
oh great, thanks for the help :D
How can I mention the directory where to store the generated reports?
This can be only done globally. Using this config
"blobStorage": { "provider": "fs", "dataDirectory": "myblobslocation" }
In the global config, I can mention the root folder and that's great. But my requirement is slightly different, I want to store the reports in different folders based on each request. So, I may want to store all the pdf reports of one day into a folder with that date. I want the same behavior for the azure blob storage.
Ok. In that case, you can pass the path as part of the blob name.
{ "template": { "name": "a" }, "options": { "reports": { "save": true, "blobName": "adirectory/foo" } } }
You just need to make sure that the directory exists. Probably using the
You may also dynamically assemble the path there. fs = require('fs') function beforeRender(req, res) { const date = new Date().toISOString().substring(0, 10) req.options.reports.blobName = date + '/' + fs.mkdirSync('data/storage/' + date) }
Great. Thanks for the help :D