studio-dark-theme extension is loaded if studio is not enabled

  • Just for you interest.
    I upgraded jsreport in my app today and found that the report service had an error because of the studio dark theme extension failed to load (registerTheme not found).
    I have the studio extension disabled in my config. and it turns out that you need to disable the theme extension too in this case.

        app.use('/reporting', reportingApp);
        const server = require('http').Server(app);
        const storeDir = __dirname + '/../../data';
        console.log('jsreport store dir', storeDir);
        const jsreport = require('jsreport')({
          extensions: {
            express: {
              app: reportingApp,
              server: server,
            authentication: {
              enabled: false,
            authorization: {
              enabled: false,
            cli: {
              enabled: false,
            debug: {
              enabled: true,
            freeze: {
              enabled: false,
            'fs-store': {
              dataDirectory: storeDir,
              'syncModifications': false,
            'html-to-xlsx': {
              enabled: false,
            'import-export': {
              enabled: true,
            jsrender: {
              enabled: false,
            'public-templates': {
              enabled: false,
            'resources': {
              enabled: true,
            'sample-template': {
              enabled: false,
            scheduling: {
              enabled: false,
            scripts: {
              enabled: true,
            studio: {
              enabled: false,
            'studio-theme-dark': {
              enabled: false,
            'version-control': {
              enabled: false,
            xlsx: {
              enabled: false,
          chrome: {
            timeout: 240000,
          templatingEngines: {
            numberOfWorkers: 2,
            timeout: 90000,
            strategy: 'http-server',
          logger: {
            console: {transport: 'console', level: 'debug'},
          allowLocalFilesAccess: true,
          appPath: '/reporting',
          mountOnAppPath: true,
          store: {provider: 'fs'},
          tempDirectory: 'temp',

  • Thank you. We have this already fixed. It will be part of the next release.

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