DOCX recipe report generation is very slow on server-less lambda
DOCX recipe report generation is very slow on server-less lambda, can you please help
we have the optimization ready
It will be part of the jsreport 2.7.0 coming in a few days.Or hopefully, you can get just the specific docx update now using
npm i jsreport-docx@2.5.0
Thank you, that helped alot. Also, i am noticing that word does not ignore if/else and each statements, leaving white space, tildas seems does not help, any ideas on this?
Could you please share a tiny demo in playground demonstrating the issue? Thank you
Thank you, here is sample As you can see there is extra space between Active protests and list below as well as extra space in Priority List and list below
At this moment we don't remove the line where the helper sits. So you need to make sure there are no extra blank lines between if you don't want them.
{{#if}}aaA{{/if}} {{#each}}
transform to
Here it is updated. believe this isn't the regression compared to the previous versions right?
However, we consider removing the lines left after templating engine tags