Google Cloud Storage wrapper (e.g., with minio)

  • Hello. Is there a way to use the Google Cloud Storage as my store? My whole infrastructure is hosted on GCP and I'm going to host jsreport on GKE. If not, is there an alternative way (with minio, perhaps)? Or I'll have to create a custom extension for this (is this possible, right?) thank you!

  • We don't provide such a driver at this moment.

    Maybe you can just map the disk and use it?

    Or choose from the provided drivers.
    Or I see minio is compatible with S3 and we have a driver for that.

    Or create your templates during the development phase, prepare a docker image that includes them already and don't use persistent storage at all.
    You won't be able to edit templates in real-time in production, but that doesn't need to hurt.

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