Generate links in excel from html

  • Hello, I am generating an excel document from a html file.
    I provide some links that today are displayed in the excel document as clear text, so I have to copy them and post them in a browser manually to acess the link. Is it possible to generate a clickable link instead?
    I have tried using

    <td data-cell-type="formula">=SUM(A1, B1)</td>

    but I don't know how to spesify a formula for links, which keywords to use etc. Also, I haven't gotten any of the examples to work. For example by copying the line above. This shows up as clear text. However if i click the cell and then click out of it the function is working.

    Bonus question: how can I make this work for all default languages of excel? If the default language isn't english, what I described above will not work

  • wrong topic :)

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