How merge cell dynamically in excel file?

  • I am using xlsx recipe for xlsx file generation. I use #each helper to add rows.

    {{#each transactions}}
      {{#xlsxAdd "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.sheetData[0].row"}}
         <row><c t="inlineStr"><is><t>{{this}}</t></is></c></row>

    I need to merge cells inside this row. As I see in the example i can do it with xlsxReplace helper:

    {{#xlsxReplace "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.mergeCells"}}
            <mergeCell ref="A1:A4"/>
            <mergeCell ref="B1:B3"/>

    I need do merging dynamically and I do not know exactly in which rows i should do it.
    My question is: How I can do cell merging if this cells generate dynamically?

    I can try to implement it through a helper. Collect rows counter and add merge section in the end. But it looks overwhelming. Maybe exists some "legal" method to do it?

  • I can try to implement it through a helper. Collect rows counter and add merge section in the end.

    Yes, I would add a helper that will generate themergeCells node dynamically. Maybe something like this

    {{#xlsxReplace "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.mergeCells"}}
            {{{mergeCells @root}}}
    function mergeCells(data) {
      // some calculations
      return `<mergeCell ref="${myStart}:${myEnd}"/>`

  • My solution:


    {{#each data}}
      {{#xlsxAdd "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.sheetData[0].row"}}
        {{#if this.rowShouldTobeMarged}}
          {{rowsForMerging 'mergingType1'}}
    {{#xlsxReplace "xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml" "worksheet.mergeCells"}}
          <mergeCell ref="{{this}}"/>


    function rowCounter(options) {
        if (! { = 0; } = + 1;
    function rowsForMerging(type, options) {
        if (! { = []; } = [
            { type, row: }
    function mergeRows(options){
        returnData = "";
        const rows =;
        for (let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
            const { row, type } = rows[i];
            if (type === 'mergingType1') {
                returnData = returnData + options.fn(`B${row}:K${row}`);
           // ....
        return returnData;

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