Pdf sign digital stamp

  • Hi, @jan_blaha, @bjrmatos and everyone,
    jsreport is super,

    we are very satisfied with jsreport and in many projects we have jsreport (xlsx, pdf). Now the question, is there a way to set up a digital signature stamp in pdf?

    It would help us a lot if it exists.

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards.

  • Hi Ate,

    glad you like what we do.

    jsreport can add sign the pdf with certificate

    and it can add a pdf form field where the client can sign

    Does this help?

  • Hi Jan, that's it, good job.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Jan, one question
    when the client signs the pdf, how to display the certificate information (serial number, is valid sign, issuer certificate, date valid cert etc..) in the pdf?


  • Hello Jan, could you answer the last question that Ante asked? It seems like you're the expert. I used https://pdfliner.com/sign_pdf_online for signing my PDF files, but if there's a better way to do something, I'm always for that. I love finding new and better ways to do things. It's always nice to learn something new.
    Still, that website had helped me many times when I struggled with finding the right form in a PDF format. Anything not in PDF is bad because you might have problems afterward with printing it and other stuff.
    I will be waiting for your response, and I hope you have something useful for us.

  • I'm not sure I understand the question. The application used to view the pdf typically displays the information about the certificate used to sign automatically.

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