Pdf client sign cert info
Hi @jan_blaha, @bjrmatos one question
when the client signs the pdf, how to display the certificate information (serial number, is valid sign, issuer certificate, date valid cert etc..) with html in pdfTnx.
Hmm, this is likely done by acrobat, not sure if we have some influence on it.
If I add signature to the pdf, and user signs it, acrobat displays something like this:
yes i know that but i need to display part of html only when the client digitally signs the pdf
Not sure I get this.
Do you use the pdf utils / pdf sign feature? https://jsreport.net/learn/pdf-utils#pdf-sign
By the client you mean, your app/caller that uses in request bodytemplate.pdfSign.certificateAsset
and you want to embed this information from the provided certificate to the HTML?
yes, yust that
jsreport doesn't provide this out of the box, but it should be easy to do with jsreport custom script beforeRender hook
https://jsreport.net/learn/scriptsYou can reach there the certificate in base64 form on
Then you can use a custom library or open SSL command-line tool to get the desired information.
And store this information onreq.data.myCertificateInfo...
Then you can reach it through templating engines and embed the information to the final pdf.