Error while executing templating engine. Missing helper: "total"
Well, I have done very well getting data creating a new report. I saw in the Invoice example being able to total a column on the table. The report runs fine until I try to total the lines. I actually want to total the 3 columns.
{{LastCalculatedBalance}}<tr class="total"> <td></td> <td> Total: ${{total LastCalculatedBalance}} </td> </tr>
I get error
Error while executing templating engine. Missing helper: "total" Error: Missing helper: "total" at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js:19:13) at Object.wrapper (/home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/internal/wrapHelper.js:15:19) at Object.eval [as main] (eval at createFunctionContext (/home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/javascript-compiler.js:262:23), <anonymous>:15:100) at main (/home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js:208:32) at ret (/home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/runtime.js:212:12) at ret (/home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/handlebars/dist/cjs/handlebars/compiler/compiler.js:519:21) at /home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/jsreport-handlebars/lib/handlebarsEngine.js:33:20 at Object.base.apply (/home/ubuntu/jsreportapp/node_modules/vm2/lib/contextify.js:469:32) at evaluate-template-engine.js:1:64 at Script.runInContext (node:vm:141:12)
Here is the full report:
<html> <head> <meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <style> {#asset els-styles.css @encoding=utf8} </style> </head> <body> <div class="report-box"> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2"> <tr class="top"> <td colspan="2"> <table> <tr> <td class="title"> <p>ELS Luckii Daily Account Balance</p> </td> <td> Report Date: {{Date}} <br> Report for: ORC </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <table> <tr class="heading"> <td align="center"> Account Id </td> <td align="center"> Account Name </td> <td align="center"> Bonus Balance </td> <td align="center"> Cash Balance </td> <td align="center"> Account Balance </td> </tr> {{#each Account}} <tr> <td> {{PunterId}} </td> <td> {{AccountName}} </td> <td align="right"> $ {{CurrentMinimumBalance}} </td> <td align="right"> $ {{CashBalance}} </td> <td align="right"> $ {{LastCalculatedBalance}} </td> </tr> {{/each}} <tr class="total"> <td></td> <td> Total: ${{total LastCalculatedBalance}} </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html>
Added function
function now () { return new Date().toLocaleDateString() } function nowPlus20Days () { var date = new Date() date.setDate(date.getDate() + 20) return date.toLocaleDateString() } function total (items) { var sum = 0 items.forEach(function (i) { console.log('Calculating item ' + + '; you should see this message in debug run') sum += i.LastCalculatedBalance }) return sum }
So got on total working on totalling each column, and want them to line up under each column
Formatted layout first
<tr class="total"> <td>Totals:</td> <td></td> <td> Bonus: ${{total1 Account}} </td> <td> Cash: ${{total2 Account}} </td> <td> Blanace: ${{total3 Account}} </td> </tr>
Then created 3 functions
function total1 (items) { var sum = 0 items.forEach(function (i) { console.log('Calculating item ' + + '; you should see this message in debug run') sum += i.CashBalance }) return sum } function total2 (items) { var sum = 0 items.forEach(function (i) { console.log('Calculating item ' + + '; you should see this message in debug run') sum += i.CashBalance }) return sum } function total3 (items) { var sum = 0 items.forEach(function (i) { console.log('Calculating item ' + + '; you should see this message in debug run') sum += i.LastCalculatedBalance }) return sum }