JsReport configuration in https
I have a doubt reagarding jsreport hosting in https.
I have a jsreport.config file and i deployed that into AWS ECS(Elastic Container Service). It's works fine in AWS load balancer(http).
When i mapped it into AWS ApiGateway it throwing error : Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 and it falied to load the studio.My jsreport.config looks like
{ "allowLocalFilesAccess": true, "httpPort": 8084, "store": { "provider": "fs" }, "extensions": { "fs-store": { "compactionInterval": 60000, "persistence": { "provider": "aws-s3" }, "syncModifications": { "updateStudio": true }, "sync": { "usePolling": true } }, "studio": { "enabled": true, "flushLogsInterval": 60000 }, "scheduling": { "interval": 60000 }, "fs-store-aws-s3-persistence": { "accessKeyId": "******", "secretAccessKey": "*******", "bucket": "******", "lock": { "queueName": "*****" } }, "scripts": { "timeout": 300000, "allowedModules": [ "request", "*" ] } }, "phantom": { "numberOfWorkers": 2, "timeout": 180000, "strategy": "dedicated-process" }, "templatingEngines": { "numberOfWorkers": 2, "timeout": 1800000, "strategy": "http-server" }, "tasks": { "numberOfWorkers": 2, "timeout": 600000, "strategy": "dedicated-process", "forkOptions": { "execArgv": [ "--max-old-space-size=4096" ] } }, "scripts": { "timeout": 1200000, "allowedModules": "*" }, "express": { "renderTimeout": 1800000, "inputRequestLimit": "200mb" } }
Can any body help me to troubleshoot this problem
Thanks and regards
Amala Scaria
This will be a problem with the AWS / Api Gateway configuration rather than with jsreport.
Unfortunately, I've never used it, so can't help.
Try to run any "Hello world" app the first, on the same port as jsreport, and check if it is running with https properly.