Extra blank row in CSV report
The report is creating an extra empty delimited row between records.
PunterId,PaymentID,UCTRegDate,PSTRegDate,Method_Type,Status,DepOrWD,Amount {{for all_funding_trans}} {{:PunterId}},{{:PaymentID}},{{:UCTRegDate}},{{:PSTRegDate}},{{:Method_Type}},{{:Status}},{{:DepOrWD}},{{:Amount}} {{/for}}
Sample data from report csv
7723,17912,,Sun Apr 25 2021 17:00:23 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),NMI Debit Cards,Received,WithdrawFunds,30
7760,17913,,Sun Apr 25 2021 17:00:53 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time),NMI Credit Cards,Settled,LodgeFunds,5
This would mean you have problem in your input data
Check it out.
My data script when run in other tools returns the correct file layout.
What I think since this is happening to all my csv files is the script, I integrated for jsreport. creates the blank row.
// SQL DATA LINK const sql = require("mssql"); const config = { server: "-----", port: 1433, authentication: { options: { type: "default", userName: "--------", password: "---------" } }, options: { database: "------------", enableArithAbort: true, trustServerCertificate: true } } // END SQL LINK // MAIN QUERY const query = ` select FTMR.PunterId ,FTP.FundsTransferPaymentId as PaymentID ,FORMAT(FTP.FundsTransferPaymentDatetime, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm') as UTCRegDate ,CONVERT(datetime2(0), SWITCHOFFSET(FTP.FundsTransferPaymentDatetime, DATEPART(TZOFFSET, FTP.FundsTransferPaymentDatetime AT TIME ZONE 'Pacific Standard Time'))) AS PSTRegDate ,FTM.FundsTransferMethodName AS Method_Type ,FTPS.FundsTransferPaymentStatusCode as Status ,FTTT.FundsTransferTransactionTypeCode as DepOrWD ,FTP.TransactionAmountNetCommission as Amount FROM ELSReadOnly.dbo.FundsTransferMethodRegistration FTMR (nolock) JOIN ELSReadOnly.dbo.FundsTransferPaymentStatus FTPS JOIN ELSReadOnly.dbo.FundsTransferPayment AS FTP (NOLOCK) JOIN ELSReadOnly.dbo.FundsTransferMethod FTM on FTP.FundsTransferTransactionTypeId = FTM.FundsTransferMethodTypeId on FTP.FundsTransferPaymentStatusId = FTPS.FundsTransferPaymentStatusId on FTP.FundsTransferMethodRegistrationid = FTMR.FundsTransferMethodRegistrationid JOIN ELSReadOnly.dbo.FundsTransferTransactionType FTTT (nolock) on FTTT.FundsTransferTransactionTypeId = FTP.FundsTransferTransactionTypeId WHERE (FTP.FundsTransferPaymentStatusId = '4' or '10' = FTP.FundsTransferPaymentStatusId) AND CONVERT(CHAR, FTP.FundsTransferPaymentDatetime, 112) = CONVERT(CHAR, DATEADD(day,-1, GETDATE()), 112); ` // END QUERY // EXPORT FUNCTION async function beforeRender(req, res) { await sql.connect(config); const sqlReq = new sql.Request(); const recordset = await sqlReq.query(query) Object.assign(req.data, { all_funding_trans: recordset.recordsets[0] }) // console.log(all_funding_trans) } sql.close()
I don't see an issue in your code, but try to log the sql output to isolate the possible source of the problem.
async function beforeRender(req, res) { await sql.connect(config); const sqlReq = new sql.Request(); const recordset = await sqlReq.query(query) Object.assign(req.data, { all_funding_trans: recordset.recordsets[0] }) console.log(req.data) }
+0 Starting rendering request 22 (user: admin) +1 Rendering template { name: csv_all_funding_trans, recipe: text, engine: jsrender, preview: true } +3 Data item not defined for this template. +4 Resources not defined for this template. +5 Executing script dbo_all_funding_transactions using http-server strategy +101 { all_funding_trans: [ { PunterId: '5680', PaymentID: '19839', UTCRegDate: '2021-05-02 00:02', PSTRegDate: 2021-05-01T17:02:29.000Z, Method_Type: 'NMI Credit Cards', Status: 'Settled', DepOrWD: 'LodgeFunds', Amount: 5 }, { PunterId: '5512', PaymentID: '19840', UTCRegDate: '2021-05-02 00:03', PSTRegDate: 2021-05-01T17:03:53.000Z, Method_Type: 'NMI Credit Cards', Status: 'Settled', DepOrWD: 'LodgeFunds', Amount: 10 },
Changed report to handlebars and that resolved the extra empty line
{{#each all_funding_trans}} {{PunterId}},{{PaymentID}},{{UCTRegDate}},{{PSTRegDate}},{{Method_Type}},{{Status}},{{DepOrWD}},{{Amount}} {{/each}}