Strange 404 error

  • I get a strange 404 error (not found). It works only sometimes
    members call does not work, member call does using the same url and subroutine to call jsreport

    My request ...

    nav.factory("Report", function($http, $uibModal, global) {

    var req = {
    	method: 'POST',
        url: global.reportUrl + "/api/report",
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    	data : {
    		"template" : {
    			"shortid" : "x"
    		"data" : {
    			"name" :,
    			"user" :,
    			"unit" : global.user.unit
    		"options": {
    		    "debug": {
    		      "logsToResponse": true,
    		      "logsToResponseHeader": true
    		    "reports": {
    		      "save": true
    		    "language": "da"
    function jsreportCall(req){
        .then(response => {
    		var uib = ${
    			animation : true,
    			templateUrl : "src/templates/print.html",
    			controller : "printController",
    			controlleras : "printController",
    			resolve : {
    				jsreport : response
    		uib.result.then(function(returnValue) {
        .catch(errorpayload => {
    return {
    	members : function(data) {
    		req["data"]["template"]["shortid"] = "H1V8aL5I-";
    		req["data"]["data"]["members"] = data;
    	member : function(number) {
    		req["data"]["template"]["shortid"] = "BykieHo8b";
    		req["data"]["data"]["number"] = number;


  • Well, solved it myself :P
    Somehow the jsreport template was messed up. I made another template by copy-paste and got a new shortid, that worked. It might be because copying templates between servers doesn't work.

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