Building an image e.g. for jsReport 2.7 using Kaniko leads to an issue but was working for 2.6.1
Trying to build in a Gitlab Pipeline using Kaniko it leads to the following issue since jsReport 2.7
npm ERR! code EACCES npm ERR! syscall mkdir npm ERR! path /.npm npm ERR! errno -13 npm ERR! npm ERR! Your cache folder contains root-owned files, due to a bug in npm ERR! previous versions of npm which has since been addressed. npm ERR! npm ERR! To permanently fix this problem, please run: npm ERR! sudo chown -R 100:101 "/.npm" npm ERR! code EACCES npm ERR! syscall mkdir npm ERR! path /.npm npm ERR! errno -13 npm ERR! npm ERR! Your cache folder contains root-owned files, due to a bug in npm ERR! previous versions of npm which has since been addressed. npm ERR! npm ERR! To permanently fix this problem, please run: npm ERR! sudo chown -R 100:101 "/.npm"
I am not super sure if this is an jsReport issue but using the jsReport Docker versions it starts to not work since jsReport 2.7 with 2.6.1 there is no issue with Kaniko
Please elaborate more on how you build the image.
Hi @jan_blaha ,
I tried to find a way to solve or overcome my issue and maybe this is interesting to share with others
FROM jsreport/jsreport:2.11.0 COPY jsreport.config.json jsreport.config.json RUN mkdir /app/.npm-global RUN npm install \ jsreport-fs-store-aws-s3-persistence@1.4.1 \ jsreport-fs-store-aws-sns-sync@1.2.1 \ --cache /app/.npm-global RUN chmod +x /app/ EXPOSE 5488 CMD /app/
Fist step is to create a npm cache folder where the jsReport user in the Docker file has acces to write
RUN mkdir /app/.npm-global
And in the second step to re-use this folder via npm
RUN npm install \ jsreport-fs-store-aws-s3-persistence@1.4.1 \ jsreport-fs-store-aws-sns-sync@1.2.1 \ --cache /app/.npm-global
I hope this helps some using Kubernetes and creating the image via Kaniko